Vitality Blueprint | Crafting Your Empowered Life!

APR 16 - MAY 14 | Tuesday Evenings 6:30-7:30p | GILRUTH CENTER

  • This innovative coaching program is designed to launch your healthy lifestyle journey in just 5 weeks!

    By engaging in group and individual coaching sessions, you’ll learn how to implement upgraded thought and behavior patterns in your life that elevate your physical and emotional well-being. You’ll also practice utilizing evidence-based tools and techniques to support your individual growth - with empowering support every single step of the way!

    Are you ready to explore all that is possible for a healthier, happier you in 2024? Let’s GO!


  • Week 1 | Foundation Building

    Introduce key aspects of wellness and establish your personal definition of “vitality.”

    Assess your current lifestyle patterns and discover opportunities for growth.

  • Week 2 | Mindset Mastery

    Explore the power of mindset in achieving your wellness goals.

    Shift your personal perspectives, beliefs, and patterns of thinking to align with your desired outcome.

    Employ techniques for cultivating a positive and resilient mindset.

  • Week 3 | Nutrition Nourishment

    Discuss the role of nutrition in overall wellbeing and discuss key aspects of evidence-based nutrition guidelines.

    Explore strategies to effectively augment your current eating patterns to effectively fuel your body and brain.

  • Week 4 | Physical Vitality & Emotional Wellness

    Explore the multitude of benefits of physical movement – above and beyond cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength/endurance!

    Learn to recognize your thoughts and emotions as brilliant built-in features designed to help you navigate life circumstances and upgrade your present experience.

  • Week 5 | Sustainable Habits & Future Planning

    Review your progress and celebrate achievements!

    Learn time and energy management strategies to increase productivity and ensure continuous improvement and growth.

    Explore methods and tools available to track your progress, expand your growth and augment your action plans to support your healthy lifestyle in 2024!


This 5 week program is comprised of one in-person group coaching session and one 1x1 coaching session (choice of in-person or virtual) per week. It is designed to support you in learning, discussing, practicing and THRIVING with the content each week.

In-person sessions are held at the Gilruth Facility at Johnson Space Center. Group sessions occur on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-7:30p. 1x1 coaching sessions are scheduled with the coach directly and can occur either Wednesday or Thursday evenings between 5-7p.

Register here through Starport Fitness.


Please read the Coaching Agreement and complete the Intake Survey prior to the first session.